Simcity Offline Single Player Mode Available with Update 10!

Maxis is wrapping up development on Simcity’s offline mode which will be coming along in Update 10. Update 10 includes a new “Single Player Mode” which allows you to play the game offline with access to DLC you previously acquired. Cities in offline mode are saved locally, allowing you to save and load anytime you want. This offline mode will also allow modders to make alterations to the game’s components without affecting the online portion of the game. As exciting as the news is, it comes a little too late as the fanbase has swiftly moved on to other pastures. However, the introduction of offline mode may attract some new players; especially modders who may be able to expand the limits beyond the game’s current drawbacks. You can read more about Offline mode at the official Simcity Blog.

In the meantime we’ll be awaiting the next major Sims 4 event.

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