Today we answer questions from Simcitizens readers, this was sent in by “Anonymous”!

Q. When you say regions does that mean in a city? Like I’m confused, do you have a world that has regions that have cities? How many can you make?
A region is a chunk of land taken out of the world to build your cities. Within a region you can pick any available spot to build your city provided that it’s not a Great-Works site. Great-Works are projects that players in a region cooperate to build. According to the Developer Q.A Session, the number of cities available depends on the region.
From a MMO standpoint, you can look at regions as a “Party” where a group of players can meet up to create cities. You can become the mayor of multiple cities and specialize them in your own way. You don’t necessarily have to “cooperate” with other players in your region. Based on the way you play, you can send crime and pollution their way.
Q. What do you mean cities are 2k-2k, I don’t understand?
Currently the development team has decided to build cities 2km x 2km (2 kilometers by 2 kilometers). If there’s no more space left, you’ll just have to make do and build up the city even more. Of course you can just pick another available spot in the region to start another city if need be.