Wooh! It’s been a while since we’ve had new information! Today we’re going to talk about wind power!

As with previous Simcity games, wind power is clean and cheap and available from the get go. You can’t place these wind turbines just anywhere. You have to now account for the wind currents generated by the game. The turbine’s efficiency is based on terrain elevation and wind flow. Over time the wind flow can change reducing the amount of power that’s produced. Players should carefully choose where they place the turbines in order to have the best outcome.
One of the cool things about these wind turbines is how they will show you where the wind is blowing. This is beneficial to you since now you can see where the air pollution is heading to. You can use this information to prevent air pollution from entering into your residential and commercial areas.

Each wind turbine is its own module that needs to be connected to a service road. You can either add additional wind turbines or upgrade them with the latest technology. However, before that can happen, you’ll need to research this technology through your city’s university. Wind turbine upgrades are available through researching “battery technology.” This technology helps balance the flow of power so when the wind stops blowing, you won’t immediately have power outages throughout your city.

Through further research you can upgrade your turbines with more advanced designs.
Will there be solar panels as well..?