Simcity Social Details and New Screenshots

Simcity Social was announced hours ago at E3, however the launch trailer was brief and vague about the game features. In an interview with VentureBeat, Lucy Bradshaw shed some light about some of the details in the game. Simcity and Simcity Social are two seperate games meant to provide two different flavors. Simcity Social is a lighter more social experience.

In summary:

  • Simcity Social is a collaboration between Maxis and the Playfish studio in Beijing.
  • Cities are player driven, they react to your decisions.
  • There is no set path to make a city, you can make them in any style you’d like.
  • Crimes, fires, and pollution are some of the negative things that can occur in your city.
  • The graphics are meant to reflect the original Simcity but visually looks closer to Simcity 3000.
  • You can do mean and nice actions to other players cities.
  • Events can affect the city over time.


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