Simcity Delayed at least until March 2013

EA has confirmed that Simcity will be available in North America on March 5th, 2013. Though it has only been delayed a month, there have not been any announcements as to why. Additionally. no specific date was announced for the Closed Beta so far. The only information given about it so far was that it would start “soon” and the test is scheduled for PC users only.

We’re in ship-mode, so everyone is cranking, fixing bugs and finishing the game. […] Earlier in the project things were much more freewheeling and improvisational — we’d try out new ideas and new approaches to see what worked, but we’re done with that stage, and now we have to bring it all to completion

 ~SimCity’s Creative Director, Ocean Quigley

The good news is they’re getting ready to ship, so that Closed Beta shouldn’t be so far away.


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