Simcity Will Not Include Terraforming; Fans Disappointed

We’re back from vacation! Over the past few weeks, it looks like Simcity stirred up quite a ruckus in the gaming community. We’re not sure how EA is going to cope with such negative feedback. Some tidbits from the past two interviews opened up a new can of worms.

It was revealed that Simcity will not include a terraforming “God Mode”. Instead, the region itself is generated by the simulation. Your actions will influence the shape of the land only when you place roads, develop zones, or plop buildings. As you can imagine, this news upset players the most to the point they feel the developers are killing the franchise.

Another interesting thing we learned is that the city map is comparable in size to Simcity 4’s medium sized cities. Some players responded that the developers should reconsider this as they feel this map size is too small.

Your cities are now stored online in the cloud, so you can pick up where you last left off from anywhere in the world. This cloud also allows each city to communicate across the region and connect them to the global economy.

Other Tidbits Include

  • The game’s textures are still a work in progress.
  • Ploppable buildings have modules you can add to expand its functions. You can customize the buildings to include flags, fountains, and signs among other things.
  • The parking simulator only shows some of the cars parked at the building, the rest are invisible. (They hand waved it by saying the cars were parked “underground.”) Some facilities like the stadium will allow you to have more control over parking by letting you plop parking lots nearby.
  • Though you can place any road you like within your city’s limits, you won’t be able to place roads within the region. This means that everything connecting your city to another will be per-determined by the simulator. Cities that are closer to the center of the region have access to more modes of transportation when connecting to other cities in the region.
  • Parks can be used to attract tourists into your city.
  • Players will be able to gather resources for their city like metals, alloys, and fuel.

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