Sims 4: Live Playthrough at Gamescom 2014

Peter Moore (COO of Electronic Arts) and Rachel Franklin (Executive Producer of The Sims 4) presented a live demonstration of The Sims 4 at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany.

Sims 4 Angela Merkel

Using the power of the Create A Sim tool, they designed a Sim based off of Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany. She looks close enough for the most part, just with a bit more volume to her hair.

Sims 4 Peeter Moore

Next, they showed off Peter Moore’s Sim and made him extremely muscular since he’s been training for marathons. His Sim had some funky body proportions, made even more awkward when he switched into his ‘executive’ outfit. Certainly, you can just click on a body part and shrink those bulging muscles right away.

Sims 4 Build Mode

They proceeded to show off the Build Mode, where you can move an entire mansion just by dragging it across the screen. It wasn’t as snappy as it looked in the trailer videos, but to be fair, it was a complex house that may have needed some time to process moving all those rooms.

Willow Creek neighborhood 1

We even got a little bird’s-eye view of one of the neighborhoods in Willow Creek. Look closely at one of the houses designed to look like the Freezer Bunny.

Sims 4 Pancake bob

In this neighborhood, we get to meet Pancake Bob, whose current mood state made him depressed. Peter Moore’s Sim, in contrast, was generally happy, providing for some unique interactions between the two. Pancake Bob’s emotional interactions lets him complain to others about his problems or ask for advice from other Sims. Peter Moore, on the other hand, could cheer him up, or brighten his day to improve his outlook.

Sims 4 Cowplant

Lastly, we were treated to a special scene with the Cow Plant; which then proceeded to eat Peter Moore as soon as he grabbed the cake dangling from the plant’s tongue. A few moments later, the cow spat him right back out, immediately placing Peter in a bad mood.

Anyway, the major announcement at this event was for the Create A Sim demo which was released yesterday to the general public. I guess the timing of the conference was supposed to coincide with its release, but it appears this was a little too late.

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