The New Clothing and Hairstyles in Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat!

The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat adds an assortment of outdoor apparel, from zip-down jackets to warm cotton sweaters. Before you head out to Granite Falls, check out our catalog of the new clothing options available.


New Hairstyles


Outdoor Retreat Hairstyles

Women receive six new hairstyles consisting of ponytails, pigtails, and hair buns. Sorry fellas, you lucked out, as you only get two new options to choose from.


New Hats


Outdoor Retreat Male Hats

Outdoor Retreat Female Hats

There isn’t much color variety with the new hats they’ve added. Only one of them contains interesting variations with neatly designed logos and mascots.


Men’s Clothing


Outdoor Retreat Male Tops

Outdoor Retreat Male Bottoms

Outdoor Retreat Male Shoes

The clothing options for men are more geared towards hiking apparel, with zippers on jackets in all sorts of locations. Hiking boots take up the majority of the new footwear, and they even added some hiking sandals and split-toe shoes for comedic value.


Women’s Clothing


Outdoor Retreat Female Tops

Outdoor Retreat Female Bottoms

Outdoor Retreat Female Shoes

Sleeveless shirts and vests seems to be all the rage in this game pack. With the emphasis on shorts and mini-shorts, the clothing options seemed to be more geared towards the more younger and youthful Sims. However, the selection of footwear echoes the theme of the game pack…so put on those boots, it’s time to go hiking!


Children’s Clothing


Outdoor Retreat Male Child Clothing

Outdoor Retreat Female Child Clothing 2

Outdoor Retreat Female Child Clothing

There’s even more graphic tees and shirts for kids, however they blew it out of the park with those billed knit beanies. We bet the modders are just racing to be the first ones to convert them for adults.


Full-body Clothing


Outdoor Retreat Full Body

It’s sad to say, but the bear costumes just fall flat, and are one of the lowest points to the new clothing options in the pack. You can wear them no matter what gender or age you are, but they just feel out of place compared to the other costumes in the game. However, it does seem to have an effect that causes Sims to tense up when NPCs wear them nearby.


Outdoor Retreat Pack

Women on the other hand received some nicely designed outfits with sweaters tied to the waist. They look exceptionally great and fit well with the theme of the game pack.


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