The Sims 4 Perfect Patio Stuff – Clothing and Hairstyles

Perfect Patio Clothing

The Perfect Patio Stuff pack doesn’t offer much in terms of Create A Sim content, instead focusing on providing more objects for the Build Catalog. There are some quality pieces included, however.


Perfect Patio Hairstyles

One hairstyle was added for both males and females, along with a cute hairstyle for boys. It will no doubt be converted for adults by modders in no time. You may have to adjust the height of your male Sims’ face for the adult hair, as the hairline is fairly high.


Perfect Patio Tops & Bottoms

Female Sims received one cropped top, with solid color and floral print designs to choose from. Two shirts and a new pair of swim trunks are available for men, perfect for a casual event.


Perfect Patio Full Body OutfitsWomen got the bulk of the clothing, with four full body outfits. These include a stylish dress, two one-piece bathing suits, and a cooking apron with two graphic design variants, also available for men.


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